A group of works inspired by nature.
Into the light~光の中へ~inspiration from the ocean, F10, 2019
→Gallery Art Point 様Abstraction展を通じて、売却済み。(Through GALLERY ART POINT, it is sold out.)
With fog~霧と共に~,P20,2020
Inspiration from the ocean~fall 2018~,F8,2018
The Wave Universe,F8,2018~2021
Nature and love, F10,2019
Nature and love, 18.2 cm(L)×25㎝(W), 2020 ※Water color on paper
Sunset~1日の終わりに~, F15, 2020
It is sold out in Independent Tokyo 2020 by TAGBOAT.
▷その他の作品を見る/ Looking at other works [Dancing with you series]
▷その他の作品を見る/ Looking at other works [Unconsciousness series]
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